As the saying goes, accidents happen, and when they do, serious injuries can result. Your accident can leave you with exorbitant medical bills and unable to work. How will you pay your bills? How will you take care of your family? How will you rebuild your life? A Guam personal injury lawyer can help you answer these questions and get you the compensation you are entitled to.

Injured in a motor vehicle accident? Our Guam Personal Injury Attorney can help.

Auto Accident

Automobile accidents are an unfortunate part of life on the road. No matter how safe a driver you may be and follow driving laws, crashes can and do happen. Fortunately, Pacifica law empowers a person injured in a car accident to seek compensation from those responsible. That starts with consulting a proven car accident lawyer at Guam Injury Law.

At Guam Injury Law Firm, our car accident lawyers have recovered millions of dollars for clients injured in vehicle collisions, drunk driving crashes and a wide variety of other accidents. We combine decades of legal experience to ensure that the people we represent get the maximum compensation available under the circumstances. Our accident lawyers take pride in guiding clients through the legal process with experience and professionalism. We understand the tactics that insurance companies often use to try to minimize or avoid pay outs and we work aggressively to get you the money you deserve.

Common Causes of Auto Accidents in Guam:

There are a number of factors that can contribute to a crash, from driver error to poor weather conditions. Although the result of the accident may be the same, top-notch car accident attorneys know that identifying the cause of the crash is often a key element to obtaining money damages for your injuries.

Some of the most common causes of car accidents include:

  • Failure to Yield: State and local laws require drivers to yield to others on the road in a number of different circumstances. These “right of way” laws are meant to avoid confusion that can set the groundwork for a collision. 
  • Unsafe Lane Changes: There are appropriate times and places for lane changes. There’s also a correct way to make those changes when needed. Lane changes should be made only in situations in which the lane to which you’re moving is separated from your current lane with a broken white line. Drivers must always properly signal when making a lane change. They’re also expected to avoid sudden lane changes that may not give others adequate time to react. That’s especially true when traveling at high speeds or in difficult weather conditions.
  • Driver Fatigue: Tiredness and distraction behind the wheel often go hand in hand. The more fatigued a driver is, the more likely he or she will succumb to distraction. Still, fatigue also raises its own separate set of safety concerns. Even if you’re not actually falling asleep behind the wheel, fatigue and drowsiness can significantly slow reaction times. Fatigue is often the result of lack of sleep, certain medications, long hours on the job, or drinking and driving. Drowsy driving is also regularly to blame for accidents involving large trucks and other commercial vehicles, where drivers are commonly pushed to spend long stretches of time behind the wheel during busy traffic times.
  • Poor Weather: Mother Nature is no friend of the motorist. Weather can wreak havoc on driving conditions, making roads difficult to see and surfaces treacherous to navigate. Whether it’s, rain, wind or natural disasters like typhoons and earthquakes, poor weather is a common culprit in car accidents. Even when a storm has passed, it may leave downed street signs and traffic lights and cause roads and streets to be obstructed with debris.

Understanding the cause of the crash is just one step on the road to getting compensation for car accident injuries. In some cases, the factors contributing to a collision may not be readily apparent. That’s why it’s vital that a person injured in a crash in Guam seek the advice and counsel of a Personal Injury lawyer.

When to Contact an Accident Attorney After a Motor Vehicle Accident

If you have been injured in a car accident or other kind of traffic accident, do you need to hire a accident lawyer, or can you handle your insurance claim on your own? If you need a lawyer, when should you schedule a free initial consultation?

In order to protect your legal rights and maximize the amount you receive for your medical expenses and other losses, you are going to need experienced legal representation. You cannot rely on the insurance companies to voluntarily pay what they owe. With this in mind, if you have been injured in a car accident, you should:

  • Contact a accident attorney as soon as possible. You can call from the scene of the accident if you are still there, or you can call from your home or hospital bed. 
  • Tell your insurance representative that you have a lawyer. While you can file a claim on your own, you should not engage in any additional communications with your insurance company at this time.
  • Keep all information and your photos of the scene of the accident, all vehicles and your injuries until you can give them to your auto accident attorney.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer at Guam Personal Injury Firm

Don’t let your accident shape your future – you need someone on your side who can help you get your life back. To schedule a free consultation with a Guam personal injury attorney, contact us online to discuss your case and how we can help.